
Write JavaScript with Enums

Without any pain or setup


npm i fun-enums


const { enums } = require('fun-enums');

// Default initialization
const weekdays = enums()("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday");

weekdays.monday; // 0
weekdays.friday; // 4

Enum API


    fun-enums is built around "initializers" which allow you to change the behavior of how the enum is created. The default initalizer is number which sets the first enum value to 0 and increments each following by 1. fun-enums also exposes a string initializer which sets the value equal to the given enum name.

    const { enums, string, number } = require('fun-enums');
    // Provide other initializers from the package like string
    let colors = enums(string)('red', 'green', 'blue')
    colors.red; // 'red'
    colors = enums(number)('red', 'green', 'blue'); // number does not need to be specified as it is the default behavior
    colors.red // 0

    You can also provide your own custom initializers by passing in an initialization function to enums.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    function capitalize(en, _prevValue) {
      return en.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + en.slice(1);
    const colors = enums(capitalize)('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.red; // 'Red'

    Your initializer will be passed these arguments:

    arg type description
    enum string the string value passed to the enum to be used as the key
    prevValue any the value of the previous enum initialized. Used to increment enum values


    In some cases you want a bit more control over the exact values on your enum. You can override the normal behavior of any given initializer by passing in an object rather than an array.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()({ red: '#f44242', green: '#27c65a', blue: '#003bff' });
    colors.red; // '#f44242'

    This allows you to give values when running a function may not be the best method for defining the enum. You can also "opt-in" to the initializer whenever you want even when overriding by giving a key undefined.

    const { enums, string } = require('fun-enums');
    const names = enums(string)({ john: 'johnny', sarah: undefined, tim: 'timothy' });
    names.sarah; // 'sarah'
    names.tim; // 'timothy'



    Return a new array with the keys from the enum.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.keys(); // ['red', 'green', 'blue']



    Return a new array with the values from the enum.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.values(); // [0, 1, 2]



    Return a new array with tuple arrays with the key and value from items in the enum.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.entries(); // [['red', 0], ['green', 1], ['blue', 2]]



    Returns a boolean if the enum contains the given key.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.has('red'); // true
    colors.has('purple'); // false

    Has Value


    Returns a boolean if the enum contains the given value.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.hasValue(0); // true
    colors.hasValue('red'); // false

    Get Name


    Return the string value of the key for a given value.

    const { enums } = require('fun-enums');
    const colors = enums()('red', 'green', 'blue');
    colors.getName(0); // 'red'
    colors.getName(99); // undefined
    if (hello) {
      then('we party', () => {
        return 'all night';